Friday, February 20, 2009

20 Funny Things My Kids Do.

1) Pick their nose – in public and in private. They do it with such nonchalance – I’m sometimes a little jealous.
2) Eat dessert midway through dinner. And then finish dinner. I can’t get my head around chocolate chip cookies and fish sticks.
3) Pee in their pants. Admit it – you wish you could sometimes.
4) Mimic their mother’s mannerisms.
5) Mimic their mother’s speaking habits.
6) Mimic their mother in general. Mini-Hers.
7) Have animated conversations with inanimate objects. It’s considerably less funny when I see adults doing that.
8) Wear their clothes backwards and/or inside out.
9) Every once in a while, Tahlia (my older girl) makes very adult observations – often more adult than most people I know.
10) Get lost on a bed with more stuffed animals than you can count (feel free to mentally reference Drew Barrymore in E.T.)
11) Watch the same movie time, after time, after time. On the same day.
12) Fart and then immediately say “Excuse me!” And then giggle uncontrollably.
13) Run with complete and reckless abandon. All elbows and knees.
14) When they meet someone new, they quickly turn and stick their heads between my knees, which might be the kids’ version of “home base.”
15) They lick their ice cream bowl. My two year old’s head practically disappears in the bowl, only to reappear, completely glazed over in a vanilla sheen.
16) They lie. Now, that might not sound funny, but since I know they’re doing it, it’s manageable. “Honey, did you wash your hands?” “Yes.” “Honey, did you wash your hands.” “I did! Really!” “Honey?” (She then turns around on a dime, and proceeds to march to the bathroom, with a sheepish grin on her face).
17) Lay their coats on the floor, upside down, in order to put them on. A feat of graceful physics.
18) Teeth-brushing is always a visual treat. The only thing funnier is when they run up to me and breathe directly in my face to prove they’ve done it correctly.
19) They laugh uncontrollably at physical humor. Fall down on your ass, and they’re in stitches for hours.
20) There are moments when they act like best friends, and sit for hours playing, hugging, and laughing. It isn’t particularly funny, but it always makes me smile.

1 comment:

Talia Davis said...

Aww! I love this post. So cute!